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50-50 Does it matter who makes the money? #property dispute #divorce

Jiming Dong
  • Family law


A couple has been married for 29 years and has three children.

At the beginning of their marriage, the husband worked as a contractor and owned a piece of land. Utilizing his carpentry skills, the husband borrowed money and built a house on the land.

Every two years, the husband would construct a new home then sell the property and use the proceeds to establish his own successful construction business. He played a vital role in driving the business forward. By the time of their separation, their combined net assets exceeded $32 million, the husband's company shares was valued at over $22 million.

Throughout the marriage, the wife dedicated herself to being a homemaker and raised their children.

Dispute and results

The wife sought a 50% share of the total assets, while the husband argued for a division of 30% to the wife and 70% to himself. He claimed that his exceptional business acumen warranted a significantly larger portion. However, the court rejected the husband's argument and awarded the wife 50% of the assets.

The above case shouldn't be blindly applied, as the court has arrived at opposite outcomes in similar cases. See Why 30-70 with same contribution? #Property dispute #divroce

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